Illustration by Stefano Marra

Why does a colourful David Hockney painting make us smile, and why are red roses considered the most passionate? It’s because colour is a very clever communicator and the right colours can make a big difference to our wellbeing.

Colour is used in speech like: “Seeing red", “blue sky thinking” and “mellow yellow” but most colour communication is non-verbal. ChattyFeet has looked into how each colour can tell us something different and how this can brighten up our lives.

Razor sharp red
Red has the effect of increasing your pulse rate, sparking excitement and action. Footballers are more likely to win wearing red shirts because they are perceived to be dominant, according to the Psychologist. Red is used for stop signs and attention-grabbing adverts as our brains associate red with being alert so having red around can make you more receptive to cognitive tasks.
The Psychology of the Colour Red - Football

Yippee for yellow
Sunshine, a Van Gogh cornfield, a smiley emoji - all things that might bring you joy. Yellow is also great for getting attention in a less blazing way than red, that’s why a “Diversion" sign might be yellow, so as not to alarm us but to send us in the right direction in a good spirits.
Psychology of Colour - Yellow Parrot

Green is for tradition
If someone is “green” to something it means they are new to it, reflecting the fresh, wholesome nature of the colour. Green is used in advertising to reflect tradition and stability. Green’s association with the natural environment means it is also passive and soothing.
The Colour Green's Impact on Your Mood

Be inspired by blue
Whilst blue sometimes might be considered a cold, sterile colour, used in the right way it can have other positive effects. Being around blue can help lower your pulse and therefore is used in medical environments. Blue reminds us of being around the sea and the sky and can help us stay calm and stimulate creativity.
Does Blue Colour Affect Your Mood?

Pink is for patience
Pink isn’t just feminine and playful it can also be used to pacify the angriest of souls. Dr Alexander Schauss found it can calm anger and anxiety. His study showed a marked difference in behaviour of prisoners when the cells were painted “drunk tank pink”.
Psychology of the Colour Pink- Baker-Miller Research

Finally, as orange consists of yellow and red it is associated with both excitement and warmth. Love it or hate it, it could be the key to brightening up your day.


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